23 Easy Techniques to Improve Your Memory Retention

Brain function and memory naturally decline slightly as a person ages, but there are many techniques people can use to improve memory and prevent its loss. Learn about them here.

23 Best Tips to Improve Memory Retention, Which Will Help You to Recall Information Easily

Remember, no matter what your age, memory is a skill that anyone can improve with the right techniques.

There are a lot of ways to improve your memory retention and recall. These 23 tips will help you to remember information easily, and ace tests, interviews, or any other situation where rapid recall is required.

Table of Contents

Why memory is so important?

Your memory is one of your most important assets in life. Because you live by that, remember what you love, remember what you learn, could let your life meaningfully.

A person’s memory is the cornerstone of everything they do in the present and the future. You use your memory every day to function, communicate, learn, and remember important information.

Good memory can make a difference to your existing or desired skills, speeding up learning and creating multiple values in your life.

How to improve memory?

Science tells us that super memory is not an innate talent and that anyone can have a top-notch memory.

Although the brain has no physical storage space to hold memories, it stores information in the form of neural connections.

When you understand how to help your brain participate in encoding, processing, and consolidating information, as well as how certain techniques can facilitate neural connections, your memory will be enhanced.

Using Effective Memory Techniques to Remember Faster

It’s not what you remember that matters, it’s how you remember it and the process you want your brain to master. Once you get this process under control, you will be able to remember everything!

The following techniques can help you memorize more quickly.

1.Remember things effectively by spaced repetition system

The problem with traditional learning methods is that they rely on cramming large amounts of information into your brain, which is not a good way to learn and remember information.

The Spaced Repetition System (SRS) was developed to minimize the time and effort required to successfully memorize large amounts of information. It will help you remember what you need to remember when you need to remember it.

The Spaced Repetition System is a learning system based on the spacing effect, which suggests that when you have a specific period of time to learn something, you should schedule your review farther out rather than fill in the blanks.

Review material at intervals. Pay more attention to the information you haven’t remembered before so your brain is in top working order. By repeating material at intervals, you will further refine these connections and develop long-term, lasting memory.

A good spaced repetition system like Anki will help you memorize anything you need to remember.


2.Remembering is easier when you visualize 

Visualization is a way of storing information in your mind that is similar to recording information on a computer.

Your visual memory is very strong and powerful. It is very helpful to visualize the scene depicted in a story instead of just reading the words.

For example, if you are studying for your geography test, try picturing yourself in the place you are learning about. If you are trying to remember the French word for bread, try picturing a loaf of bread in your mind’s eye.

You may have heard people say that they cannot visualize something or that they do not have a visual memory. The truth is that everyone can visualize something. The problem is that most people have not learned how to do it effectively.

Encourage children to imagine what they’ve just read or learned in their heads. Assume you’ve asked your child to set the table for five guests. Allow your child to visualize how the table might look and then draw it. As children become more adept at visualizing, they can explain the picture rather than drawing it.

When you are studying for a test, a big presentation, or just trying to remember to pick something up at the store, try imagining the information visually. After you transform the information into “images and experiences”, you open up the infinite potential of memory.


3.Making associations is an effective memory aid

By associating the critical piece of information with something you already know, you will find it easier to remember.

For example, if you are trying to remember a name, associate it with the person’s face. Or if you want to remember a street address, think of an amusing story that those addresses could be part of.

This is because the information will be coded in your brain as a memory trace. This essentially means that it will become part of you. It takes time to do this, so the more often you review the information, the faster it takes effect.

Here’s another example, if you are trying to remember items on a list, you use these items to construct a story, you are deliberately linking the items together to make them easier to recall.


4.For easier recall, chunk your information

The trick is to break up what you want to remember into smaller pieces, rather than trying to remember everything as a complete whole.

Chunking is a mnemonic device that is used to aid memory. It involves associating or grouping information into a number of different, but smaller, pieces of information.

For example, remembering a 10-digit phone number by breaking it down into three sets of numbers: 800-622-6068 (as opposed to 8006226068).

Each chunk should be no more than seven units in length, and each chunk should be able to stand alone as a single piece of information.

Chunking is a powerful tool in learning and in memory, and it can be used in a number of different situations.

If you’re a student, you may be using chunking to learn a chapter of a book. If you’re a business owner, you are probably using chunking to divide your project into a series of action items.


5.A memory palace is a Time-Tested memorization technique

The memory palace is a memorization technique that uses highly familiar objects, like rooms or buildings, to store information. There are many names for memory palace, such as mind palace or method of loci.

This technique can be used to memorize nearly anything, from vocabulary words, to speeches, to mathematical functions.

It has been used for hundreds of years and has been adapted for use in modern times.

This technique works by creating an imaginary building with numerous, well-defined places for each bit of information to be stored. Information is then attached to each place in the palace.

For example, when learning a list of vocabulary words, each word is assigned a different room. By walking through the imaginary building, one can then recall the words just as easily as one can walk through a real building.


6.Mindmaps help us remember information better

The mindmap was invented by Tony Buzan in the late 1970s. It was developed to be a highly effective way to capture, structure, and retrieve ideas, and as such is used for idea generation and to organize information. 

The way it works is that you write down the main idea in the center of the mindmap, and then you write down all of the ideas that relate to it in the branches that go out from the center. Then you can link the ideas together with lines and arrows.

In order to remember the information, the mindmap uses several types of learning and memory systems, including visual, associational, and locational memory systems.

A mindmap is a visual organizer that helps us visualize the relationships between ideas and how they relate to one another, helping us to remember information better.

Meanwhile, It is an efficient tool that can be used by anyone, and it is especially useful for students studying for exams, writers writing books, and business people preparing for important meetings.


7. Using the peg word system to memorize

The peg word system is a memorization technique that uses rhyming as a way to remember the material. The rhyme helps create an association between the peg word and the information. The peg word can be anything, any word or phrase that you can associate with something else.

A very common example is “Every Good Boy Does Fine”. This is a rhyme to help remember the order of notes in the musical scale, EGBDF. A lot of people can remember the order and the names of the notes quite easily because they were able to associate each note with its rhyming word.

This method is a very common and favorite memorization technique used by people of all age groups.


8.To remember, you should use all your senses

As humans, we have many senses. These senses are responsible for keeping us alive, helping us recognize danger, and guiding us to food.

In addition, some of our senses help us remember events and information that we have experienced.

Seeing an object, smelling an object, touching an object, or tasting an object can help you remember information. The reason you should use all of your senses to remember something is that each sense has a direct connection to your brain.

This is why you may want to be aware of your surroundings when you are trying to remember something.

Imagine you are sitting on a dock on a summer day, feeling the sun on your face. You enjoy the breeze and the view of the ocean, smell the fresh ocean air, and listen to the seagulls calling.

The more stimulation your senses receive, the more neural connections are created, and the more neural connections there are, the more memories are stored.


9.Concentration helps you remember more

The secret to improving your memory is to help your brain concentrate. Constantly switching the target of attention can prevent memory formation and reduce productivity.

Concentration is like weightlifting for your brain. When we concentrate on something, the connections between the neurons in our brains get stronger.

Concentration is the art of focusing on one thing at a time. When you are trying to remember something, you must concentrate on it without allowing any other thoughts to enter your mind.

Meditation is a form of mental training that is often used to improve concentration and focus. Meditation has a calming effect on the mind, allowing us to see things more clearly and logically. It also helps to bring emotional balance.

With more meditation practice, you will be able to concentrate better. It is a skill that takes time to develop. You’ll find yourself finding it easier and easier as you practice it more and more.

To meditate effectively, it is important to choose a suitable place to ensure you can focus fully on the task. The key is to clean up your environment and remove clutter. The clutter in your environment competes for your attention.

Furthermore, the place should be a quiet location where you will not be disturbed. In case you cannot avoid nearby noise sources, use headphones or earplugs to block out abrasive sounds when you’re trying to meditate.


Improve Your Memory by Exercising Your Brain

We often forget that the brain is a muscle. Just like other muscles, if you don’t work it regularly, it becomes weak and ineffective. But, just like other muscles, if you use it and exercise it, it becomes more efficient and stronger.

10.Brain-challenging games are good for memory development

A brain-challenging game is one that requires more cognitive activity and tests or challenges the user’s thinking abilities. They can be anything from simple puzzles to complex mathematics problems.

It’s a great alternative to watching TV or playing mindless video games that can rot your brain.

Challenging puzzle games that require you to use your memory are great for helping you improve it and keep it sharp.

When you’re playing a brain-challenging game, your mind is focused on the task at hand and nothing else. This trains your brain to be more focused and attentive. This is great for improving your memory, reducing stress, and also preventing depression.


11.Learning a language can enhance memory

It is no secret that the human brain works in conjunction with our memory to help us learn and retain new knowledge. Learning a new language can enhance our memory and help us to retain new knowledge in a number of ways.

First, learning a new language causes our brains to come up with new associations. When we are learning a new language, we must focus our attention on a new set of sounds, words, and meanings that we have never heard or seen before.

This causes our brains to create new connections and associations that we can use to remember what we have learned. The better we are able to recall the new language, the better our memory will be for other things.

Second, learning a new language improves our brain’s ability to process information. The complexity of a foreign language challenges our brain to use multiple regions at the same time.

When you learn a foreign language, you transcend these language barriers, and a whole new world of possibilities opens up to you.

Learning a new language is one of the best ways to exercise the brain.


12.Enhancing brain function through music education

Music has been shown to have a profound effect on brain function, with many studies showing that music education can improve memory and overall brain function.

The different elements of music, rhythm, pitch, and tone seem to enhance and stimulate the brain.

Many studies have also found that music instruction can lead to better general school performance. This is because music education can teach the brain to focus on the task at hand, and to improve cognitive function, allowing the brain to better absorb and process information.

Playing an instrument or listening to music can help your mood as well as your memory by engaging various types of the brain.

For example, if you want to learn how to play a simple piano piece, your brain must coordinate many different areas to achieve that goal. Visual centers, auditory centers, motor cortex, parietal lobes, and frontal lobes all play a role in how the brain perceives music. The brain becomes more efficient at transmitting information as it practices playing.


13.Boost Your brain power by reading books

Don’t forget, just reading a book can give you decades of experience.

When you read a book, you are using many functions of the brain at the same time, which is a powerful and beneficial exercise for your brain.

Books are a source of knowledge that has helped people improve their lives for centuries. Books can take you anywhere in the world and to places you could only dream of.

The human brain has the ability to learn and relearn without limit. However, as we age, it becomes harder and harder to keep our minds sharp and remember all of the things we need to remember.

This is where reading comes in. One of the best ways to keep your mind sharp and improve your memory is to read. When you read books, you are constantly making new connections in your brain and your memory is improved.

When we simply read a book, the contents are only short-term memory. Feeling the surprise and emotion in the book, or through the visual stimulation of pictures and photos, we can turn the contents of the book into long-term memory and then remember it firmly.


14.Upgrade your brain by learning new skills

One of the most important things you can do for your brain’s health is to keep learning. As long as we continue to learn, we can continue to create new connections in our brains, keep our brains moldable and flexible, and process new information.

When you learn new skills, you are adding new information to your memory. When you remember more, you are able to recall the information easier and faster. 

Memory exercises for seniors, hand-eye coordination exercises, and even mentally performing math have been demonstrated to improve cognitive function.

It is vital to keep your memory strong by constantly challenging your mind! Take an online art class and learn to dabble with canvas and watercolor paints. Take a course on digital photography or on some other area that interests you.

For a healthy brain and better memory, cognitive stimulation is essential. Needlepoint, knitting, woodworking, and other DIY projects can all be learned. The key is to find an activity that is stimulating and enjoyable for you.

The more you learn, the more connections between old and new knowledge. The result is that your brain is constantly upgraded.

Skillshare is one of the best online course platforms. Offering a free trial, you then have unlimited access to over 25,000 courses. Skillshare has created an online community of over 4 million students who want to learn the most advanced skills.

Spending time on improving your brain and skills is the most worthwhile investment, and will makes you a better version of yourself.


15.Getting out and traveling will enhance your brain function

Memories are built from the experiences we have on our journey through life. The memories that are formed are stored in your brain to help you remember who you are and to help form your identity.

The more experiences you have, the more memories you have. The more memories you have, the better your memory will be.

Traveling is the best way to experience new things and create new memories. New travel environments have a huge impact on the brain, creating lots of new cells that can improve your memory.

That’s why one of the best ways to improve your memory is to go out on trips with friends and family.


16.Try using your non-dominant hand

Switching up your daily routine can be difficult for anyone.

By doing your everyday activities in reverse, you are challenging your brain to learn something new every day.

Even the most basic tasks can become extremely challenging both physically and mentally. Here are some examples:

  • Make sure to brush your teeth with the opposite hand from your dominant hand.
  • Place your watch on your opposite wrist.
  • Try using your non-dominant hand to write.
  • Eat a meal using chopsticks.

Doing any number of these activities can activate a part of your brain that you usually take for granted. Your brain will also benefit from the increased blood flow that these activities produce.

The Best Daily Memory-Enhancing Habits

Like many other aspects of life, poor memory is a symptom of something else that needs to be fixed. Luckily, there are lots of ways you can improve your memory and your mental ability with just the right habits.

After so many experiments, I found that relatively simple changes in lifestyle can lead to more brain energy.

Today I’m going to share the best memory-enhancing habits that I’ve discovered during my years of being interested in learning and memory.


17.Choosing the right foods to improve memory

When it comes to brain enhancement, diet is unquestionably the simplest and most successful method.

A diet that provides a healthy balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein along with B vitamins and vitamin C is likely to benefit memory and learning.

Because the brain consumes 20 percent of a person’s calories, it requires plenty of nourishing fuel to stay sharp throughout the day.

Several foods, such as eggs, contain vitamin B, which is essential for the brain. The protein in eggs also plays a role in keeping the body functioning optimally, as it improves memory and concentration.

In addition to eggs, many nutrients of benefit to the brain can be found in vegetables, fruit, nuts, dark chocolate, and fish. Here are the 12 best brain boost foods for memory improvement in detail.

Similar to added sugar, refined carbohydrates can spike your blood sugar levels over time, damaging your brain.

Alcohol also damages the brain in several ways, including reducing memory function. Binge drinking is damaging to your hippocampus, which is an important part of your brain related to memory.


18.Drinking enough water can help improve memory and other brain functions

The brain is made up of around 70% water and the brain needs that water to function at its best. The brain is made up of cells called neurons that use a chemical called (you guessed it) water.

The neurons use that water to help them send electrical signals. Without enough water in the brain, the electrical signals coming from these neurons are not as strong, which means the neurons are not as effective.

The result is that you can’t remember things as well, you can’t think things through as well, and you can’t focus on things as well.

On the other hand, our brains need water to carry oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body. Water also helps dilute the brain’s waste products and keeps blood flowing and nutrients available. Therefore, getting enough water to stay hydrated may be just as important as getting enough nutrients.

But, the biggest challenge to staying hydrated throughout your day is remembering to drink water. You have to find time to stop what you are doing, find a water source, and then drink.

The HidrateSpark Steel smart water bottle is a device that will help you to stay hydrated throughout the day, without having to remember to stop and drink.

It has a sensor that is able to measure the amount of water that you are drinking, and it connects to your smartphone through Bluetooth, so that you can keep track of your water consumption throughout the day.

By tracking your water intake with the HidrateSpark Steel app, you’ll stay hydrated and be able to see how much water you’re drinking each day and how much you need to drink to reach your goal.

The bottle is a convenient way to stay hydrated throughout the day, and the app helps you track your hydration status.

19.Regular physical exercise to improve memory

The studies seem to indicate that physical exercise is one of the best ways to improve memory.

Physical exercise increases the blood flow to the brain, which helps to deliver the oxygen and nutrients needed by the brain to function at its best.

During exercise, our bodies release a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF, which helps build new brain cells and connections between them. Therefore, it improves memory and helps counteract the effects of aging.

The best kind of exercise to improve memory is aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise increases the blood flow to the brain during the exercise and then helps to improve the blood flow to the brain for several hours after the exercise has stopped.

This is why aerobic exercise is so good for improving memory. The best kind of aerobic exercise to improve memory is interval training. Interval training is a great way to mold the body into a fat-burning machine.

In order to do interval training, you need to alternate between low-level and high-level intensity exercises for short periods of time. Interval training helps to keep the heart rate around 65-85% of its maximum.

This is where you get most of your fat-burning benefits. Interval training can be done in a variety of ways: running, cycling, swimming, rebounding (jumping on a mini-trampoline), and walking.

Although interval training is not for everybody, it can be a great way to train for those people who are very busy and cannot commit to a longer duration of exercise. Interval training can be done for as little as ten minutes, or it can last up to thirty minutes or more.

Exercise can improve memory immediately! However, if you want to improve your memory significantly, you need to learn while you move, for example, while walking on a treadmill. Moving around while learning new vocabularies will help you retain 20% more information than if you sit down to learn it.

A small but powerful study in Japan found that jogging two to three times a week for twelve weeks can improve executive brain function, but the point is that it must be combined with some activities that require coordination outside of running.


20.Good sleep improves memory consolidation

Not getting enough sleep at night can really hurt your memory. This is because we need sleep to be able to learn new things.

When we sleep, the brain consolidates the memories we have learned during the day and stores them for easier retrieval later. So it stands to reason that the quality of our sleep will correlate with the strength of our memories.

If we do not get good sleep at night, our brain does not get the chance to do this and our memory is hurt.

Once your sleep quality improves, you will see a marked improvement in your memory. If you want the strongest possible memory, good sleep is a non-negotiable.

Check the post to learn more: New! How To Sleep Better? 10 Practical Ways to Solve Your Sleep Problems for Good!

21.Memory improvement through regular meditation

There are a lot of reasons why you should meditate. This may help you reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. In addition, it improves your memory.

Meditation is the easiest way to keep the brain growing by suppressing the “distraction circuit”. Once this “distraction circuit” is overworked, the brain begins to expend a lot of extra energy, which leads to fatigue.

Meditation has been shown to allow you to focus more clearly, so as to increase the strength of the connections between brain cells, thus improving your memory.

The meditation process is not as difficult as you might think. Meditation is a state of deep relaxation that is achieved through a specific set of steps.

It’s a mental exercise that helps you focus and clear your mind. Meditation can also help you calm your body and slow down your breathing.

When your mind is clear, your memory will be better. When your body is relaxed, your brain will be able to focus better and you will be able to remember what you want to remember.

While there are many types of meditation, they all aim to teach you how to focus or refocus your perception and attention in the present moment.

One of the most common is counting your breath. Start by feeling the breath go back and forth through your nasal passages, set it for five minutes, and then extend it as you get used to it.


22.Social interaction plays an important role in preventing memory loss

One of the fastest and easiest ways to improve your memory is by interacting with other people. The reason for this is that when you interact with others, you are essentially forced to remember something and it requires intense brain exercise.

Also, social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, both of which can lead to memory loss.

There are many reasons why people are so busy today. We are working longer hours, taking care of multiple tasks at the same time, and just trying to get through the day.

As a result, many of us have forgotten how to properly socialize and engage in good conversation.

Socializing is important when you’re young, but it’s also important as you get older. Both mental and physical health benefit from socializing.

By staying in touch with people, you can keep your neural connections strong because stress is prevented and you’re able to move more to enhance your cognitive growth.

Socializing can be done in many ways. Cooking together, playing sports together, singing together, learning a new language together, taking a trip with friends, going on a date with someone are all good ways to socialize.

Having a social life is vital for brain health, improving memory, and keeping your body and mind young.


23.Maintain a healthy weight to keep your brain sharp

When you are overweight, you can feel your mind slowing down. You feel your brain is sluggish and you are not as quick to recall information as you should be.

Being overweight has been identified as a risk factor for cognitive impairment in many studies. The reason obesity is expected to cause cognitive impairment is that overweight people have higher blood sugar and insulin levels. Both of these are associated with impairment of memory and cognitive performance.

Keeping your weight within a normal range will prevent you from suffering from a variety of obesity-related problems, including memory loss, and it will keep your brain sharp as well.

Bonus Tips:

24.If you share what you’re learning, you’re more likely to remember

Reading, learning new skills, communicating with other people, and traveling are all forms of input that will remain in your memory as knowledge.

However, if you can teach knowledge to others, such as speaking, writing, and blogging, then you can strengthen the memory in your brain by exporting it.

The benefits of teaching what you are learning are endless.

  • First of all, it’s a way to commit what you’re learning to memory.
  • Second, it helps you understand the material better by giving you an opportunity to share your knowledge with others.
  • Thirdly, it allows you to learn from the questions your students ask.

As soon as the brain realizes it is to become a teacher, it awakens all the memory fire inside it. You’ll find that if you teach a topic, the deeper understanding of it will be with you forever.

25.Make your brain more efficient by using technology

It’s not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed by the amount of information they have to remember and how many tasks they need to complete. With all this information, it’s not surprising that people struggle to stay on top of things. Fortunately, technology can help make your brain more efficient and organized.

So the most creative and productive people are serious about defending attention and only the most valuable points of information are programmed into the brain’s memory.

In the case of non-urgent information, you can use a few software tools to help your brain; for example, to-do lists and note-taking programs.


What is the method of loci?

The method of loci is a technique used by some people to remember items or lists. Participants memorize an imaginary journey that they will take in their minds, placing the different points of interest along the way.

The technique works by creating a spatial memory, which is stronger than an ordinary verbal or chronological memory.

For example, if you want to remember a shopping list, you might imagine walking into a store. You might start at the entrance, go to the produce section, then move on to dairy products, and so on until you reach the register. Once your journey is complete, you can easily recall your shopping list.

The technique is also called memory palace or mind palace.

How to improve short-term memory?

Improving your short-term memory can be done in a number of ways. Some of the more popular methods include taking care of your body, practicing certain exercises and strategies, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and consuming certain foods.

How to improve long-term memory?

There are many ways to improve long-term memory. One way is to use mnemonic devices, such as the one shown below in the “How does this work?” section. Another way is to use a strategy called chunking, which means breaking down large amounts of information into smaller pieces. Then the smaller pieces are easier to remember. Many people also find it helpful to review material shortly after it’s been learned.

What exercises improve memory?

Exercises that improve memory include aerobic exercise, which stimulates the growth of new brain cells. Memory exercises include practicing mental math, memorizing the names of people in a group, and repeating names in a conversation. These and other memory exercises can all help improve your memory.

How do I know if my memory loss is serious?

Memory loss, or the inability to recall information that was previously known, can be a symptom of some mental and physical health conditions.

There are many different types of memory loss. Some people have difficulty learning new information, while others have problems recalling recent events. Some people have both of these types of memory loss. It is important to determine if your symptoms are caused by a condition that can be treated.

When should I be concerned about my memory problems?

It is a good idea to be concerned if you cannot remember things that have just happened or conversations that you just had.

You should also be concerned if you notice that it is taking longer for you to remember things than it used to. Everyone forgets once in a while but if you are forgetting more and more, then maybe something is wrong with your memory.

How to improve memory for studying?

Memory can be improved through a number of different techniques. One of the most popular is using mnemonic devices. These are visual aids that help people to remember things in specific contexts.

How to improve kids’ memory?

There is a lot of ways, but one of the ways may be through video games. Researchers found that kids who played video games for 45 minutes to 60 minutes a day had an improvement in their memory. However, they did not find any significant improvement in school performance. The research is published online in the journal PLoS ONE. Researchers examined 21 children who were at least 8 years old.

How to improve teenage memory?

The ability to remember information declines with age. However, there are ways to sharpen your memory and boost your grades.

How to improve memory in the elderly?

Of all the cognitive abilities that gradually decline with age, memory is the most obvious. Basically, the “you” that you are now is shaped by your memory.

From the age of 40 onwards, we lose an average of 5% of our brain capacity every ten years.

The brain continues to shrink throughout the life span. Unfortunately, it starts much earlier than most people think. This slow but steady shrinkage of the hippocampus is the main cause of memory deterioration over the years.

The American Academy of Neurology recommends that adults should participate in 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week to improve memory, and aerobic exercise seems to help seniors the most.

Information is kept in mind by emotion. This is why the most important thing that we want to keep in our mind is either something that makes us feel good or something that makes us feel bad. Once the emotion is strong enough, the information will be remembered so that we can use it. This same basic principle can be used when we want to commit things to memory. If we want to remember something, we need to make it emotional. 


Build better memories and become a better person.

Memory is something you rely on. Memory is a key ability that you need to function in your daily life. Memory is the key to getting a good education, working, and living.

Learn how to improve your memory. It may not happen overnight, but with these memory-improving brain exercises and other cognitive boosters, you’ll get your mental edge back. 

What techniques would you use first to improve your memory? Please let me know in the comments below…