How to Accelerate Learning: 13 Ways to Learn Faster

Learning how to learn is the most important skill you can develop. These 13 ways to accelerate learning will help you improve your education, career, and life.

13 Ways to Help You Learn Faster

How often do you feel like you’re not learning at the pace you want to? Veteran and rookie learners alike can find themselves frustrated with their progress.

Learning can be difficult because there are many different ways to learn something. One person may learn by watching someone perform a task, while another person may learn by reading instructions from a book.

In this article, we’ll be exploring 13 ways to help you learn faster and become more productive.

1. Create a Custom Learning Plan

There are some things that you can do to help you learn faster in the future.

First, try to find a routine that works for you. It is best if you can find one that is tailored to your busy schedule.

If you don’t know what to do, try starting with one chapter each day. This will help your brain get used to processing information more and it will help reinforce what you’re learning.

Finally, try taking notes on the information as it’s going through your head. This will help your brain process and remember the information better so that way when it comes time for a test or quiz, it will be easier for you to ace it!

It is important that when creating your custom learning plan, you take into account your needs and schedule because otherwise, it won’t work.


2. Set Small Goals for Yourself

The best way to learn is to set small goals and achieving them. The key is that the goal should be achievable, measurable, and time-bound.

The first step is to define your goal. For example, if you want to learn how to code, then you will need a clear goal for that. Some people might want to learn one new coding skill every month or every week, while others might want to master one coding skill in the next six months.

Setting a time-bound goal will help you stay motivated and focused on practicing the skills needed for that particular skill or topic until it becomes second nature.

3. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!

The more that you exercise, the faster you’ll learn new things.

Exercise – the key to a healthier and sharper brain; exercise increases your brain’s ability to form new neural pathways between neurons, which helps you learn new things more quickly.

Exercise not only makes you smarter while doing it but also in the long run as well.

When people start an exercise routine, their brains become more efficient at forming new neural connections and synapses—a process sometimes called “neurogenesis”—which can help them learn new things faster.


4. Create a Study Environment That Supports Learning (i.e., an Organized Workspace)

A clear desk helps make it easier to focus on what you’re working on.

When it comes to your workspace, your environment should be a reflection of your goals. A messy and cluttered desk creates confusion and frustration.

It’s hard enough to remember all the things you need to get done in a day! Adding a lot of visual and emotional stimuli makes it that much harder.

But when your workspace is clean, everything is right there in front of you – inviting you to work on the next task or simply get lost in the beauty of organized simplicity.

If we want our students to succeed in their studies, then we need them sitting at an organized desk with all necessary materials within reach so they can focus on learning without getting distracted by the confusing mess that is usually found behind most teenagers’ desks.


5. Study Smartly by Doing Set Intervals of Active Studying, Rested Studying

Active studying refers to reading, highlighting, annotating, summarizing, and taking notes. And rested studying is when you stop working and give your brain a break.

These periods of active and rested study work together to give the brain time to process all of the information ingested during an active study session.

Active studying is important for retaining more information from the material being studied because it increases comprehension and retention. It also allows for more effective time management because it can be done in short intervals without interfering with other activities such as sleep or work.

Rested studying is important for giving the brain a break after working hard on an active study session with material that requires a lot of mental energy. This gives your brain some time to process what has been consumed during the active session so that you can focus better.


6. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

In order to learn faster, we need to focus on the task at hand. Mindfulness meditation is about focusing on the present moment.

The brain is like a muscle that needs to be exercised in order to work well. When we practice mindfulness meditation, we are exercising and strengthening our minds by focusing on the present moment.

It allows us to focus and put our attention on what is happening in the now instead of worrying about the past or future.

Practicing mindfulness meditation can also help manage stress better, but it’s not just about reducing stress levels. Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions which enhances focus, attention, creativity, productivity, and more importantly happiness levels!


7. Use Mnemonic Devices to Memorize Information

Mnemonics can be defined as “memory aids that use associations, images, or mental imagery to help people remember specific information.”

The process of creating mnemonic devices is a creative one and it often requires inventiveness on the part of the individual.

Mnemonics are typically made up of three elements: a word or phrase to remind us of something we want to remember, a story that leads us through those items in the order we want them remembered, and an image that makes it easier for us to visualize those items.

A good way to make sure you’re using mnemonics correctly is by practicing. Practice remembering different words with your own personal mnemonic device until you’ve mastered it.


8. Read Books to Stimulate Your Brain with New Information

Reading books exposes your brain to new information that you would not be exposed to otherwise. You’re able to learn faster and make more connections in your brain.

A study found that reading a book leads to a significant improvement in the reader’s vocabulary. It also improves language skills, which could lead to improved literary skills and social skills.

Beyond literary appreciation, reading can improve empathy by allowing us to see the world from another person’s perspective.


9. Eat Healthy Foods and Drink Lots of Water for Better Cognitive Function and Energy Levels

Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water is the best way to keep your brain in top shape.

A few small changes in your diet can make a big difference in the health of your brain. One way to do this is by eating foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in salmon and some other types of fish. Another helpful change you can make is by drinking lots of water every day.

The human brain needs proper nutrition to function properly. Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water will help keep your brain strong and alert so that you can think faster, stay energized, and perform better at work or school.


10. Get Enough Sleep for Best Memory Retention the Next Day

Some people think that they can study all day and night, but this will decrease their memory retention of the material.

Getting enough sleep has been shown to promote better memory retention.

In fact, studies have shown that getting a good night’s sleep can improve the learning process by improving memory function. It is important for students to remember this and make an effort to get adequate sleep before studying so as not to hinder their efforts in school or at work.


11. Find a Study Buddy

The key to success in achieving your goals is to find a study buddy. A study buddy is someone that you meet at a set time and place to discuss the material you are learning.

It can be difficult to find the motivation and drive needed on your own, but having someone else there who shares similar goals and interests with you will help motivate you.

So finding a study buddy can be an excellent way to stay on track, stay motivated, and eventually get the desired grade.


12. Make Use of Technology

Technology has made it easier for us to learn new things. Today, we are just a click away from getting answers to our questions.

We can use the apps on our smartphones or laptops to get instant answers for everything the internet is capable of answering. Technology has also made it easier for us to learn new things by giving us tutorials and interactive lessons that we can watch at any time and place.


13. Use Flashcards or Spaced Repetition Software

Flashcards are a great way to learn because they allow you to see the answer before you flip it over to study. This gives you the chance to evaluate whether or not you know the answer and helps make studying more efficient.

Some people use spaced repetition software, which is a computer-based application that helps people learn by presenting flashcards at intervals that are determined by your individual study habits. Software can help people focus on what they need to be learning and forget about things they already know.

Anki is one of the best spaced repetition systems available and it’s free. It can seem complicated to use at first, but its powerful extensions are definitely worth investing the time to get familiar with.



It is important to know how to learn faster. Our world is quickly changing and accelerating, and in order to keep up, it is important to be able to learn faster. The tips of the article will help you hone your skills in order to learn more quickly.