6 Steps To Build A Habit That Lasts Forever

Building a habit is hard. But you can do it! In this post, we'll break down the steps needed to build a habit that lasts forever and get you on the path to success.

6 Steps To Build A Habit That Lasts Forever

Successful people have one thing in common: they all have daily routines that keep their lives organized.

Some people will incorporate a morning routine, an evening routine, and any other routines that are necessary to maintain balance in their lives. While others will just focus on one or two rituals per day.

Regardless of the type of routine you choose to adopt, it is important to find what works best for you and stick with it. Routines are necessary for productivity and happiness.

The Importance of a Habit for Achieving Your Goals

A habit is an activity that a person does regularly. Habits are formed as a result of repetition.

The more often you do something, the easier it is to do. This is because the brain starts to recognize this action and makes it easier to repeat it again and again.

This can be applied when someone needs to start working out or eating healthier food. The more they work out or eat healthy food, the more likely they will continue doing this in the future which will lead them closer to achieving their goal of being healthy.

If you want to achieve your goals, make sure you have good habits for them!

What Are Good Habits?

We all have good habits and bad habits. But what is the difference? For starters, bad habits are often destructive in nature, while good habits are constructive.

Bad habits are usually things that we do without thinking, like checking our phone every hour or over-eating. Good habits often take more effort to maintain but they’re worth it in the long run because they produce positive results.

Some examples of good habits include focusing on your nutrition and sleep as well as avoiding social media after a certain hour each night.

Good habits may sound like common sense, but they are not necessarily easy to create or maintain. That’s why it’s important to set achievable goals for yourself at first and gradually make them more challenging as you succeed at them.


Introduction to Habit Creation and Building

People are always looking for a way to change their behaviors and habits. Building habits is a great way to improve your life.

The best way to build new habits is by making them small, achievable, and rewarding. Start off by choosing an action that you know you could do every day for the next week or so.

Try starting with something simple like walking for 10 minutes, taking five deep breaths in the morning, or drinking one glass of water before you eat lunch.

The key to building new habits is consistency; it’s about doing something every day at roughly the same time and place until it becomes automatic and second nature.

The Key Elements of a Successful Habit

In order to create a successful habit, there are six key elements that must be present. The more of these elements are present, the more likely that the person will form a successful habit.

These six elements are strong triggers, easy activities/behaviors, quick payoffs, immediate feedback loops, social support, and having a system for success.

6 Steps To Build A Habit That Lasts Forever

1. You need to make your goals SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound

Identify one area of your life that you would like to change for the better. Set a habitual goal and have that habitual goal follow the following SMART principles:

  • Specific – The best way to increase the chances of your goal being accomplished is to make it clear what you want to achieve with no ambiguity.
  • Measurable – Goals need to be quantifiable so that you know when you have achieved them.
  • Attainable – If your goal is out of reach or too hard then you will feel discouraged which makes it harder to keep going. Make the goal as easy as possible so that it’s easier to achieve and maintain.
  • Relevant – Make sure the goal is something that has meaning for you personally.
  • Time-based – Give yourself a time frame in which the goal needs to be completed.

2.Set Up Obvious Triggers for Your New Habit

There are many ways to set up an obvious trigger for your new habit.

This could be anything from a person’s sense of smell to time of day or even physical location. Something about this trigger needs to be able to “grab” someone’s attention and bring them back to the desired behavior when they find themselves in that situation again in the future.

The idea is that when you tell yourself “I’m going to go for a run at 6 PM tonight,” then you’ll probably follow through and go running. You’ve set up the trigger so that all it takes is one reminder from yourself and one ping from your phone and you’ll be off on your five-mile jog.

Here is another example, if you want to drink more water every day, you might put a jug next to your desk so that it reminds you every time you get thirsty.

3. Change Your Environment to Make New Habit Easier for Yourself to Stay On Track

Changing your environment is a great way to make a new habit easier to maintain. This change can be as simple as moving the location of the object you want to use or making it more difficult to access.

The key is figuring out what triggers you or makes you want to engage in the bad habit and then creating an environment that will help you avoid those triggers.

When it comes down to it, there are a lot of different ways that people can change their environments in order to make a new habit easier for themselves. It just takes some creativity and thinking outside of the box.

For example, when you want to start journaling every day, one of the best things you can do is go buy yourself a journal and keep it in an easily accessible place so that there’s no excuse for not writing down your thoughts.

This is because habits are made up of several actions that need to be repeated multiple times before they start feeling natural.

Therefore, having an environment that supports these actions can have a significant impact on how long we stay committed.

4. Create an Alternate Plan for New Habit

We have to do everything we can to keep our momentum going. This is why it’s important to carry an alternate plan with us at all times.

For example, if we know that a specific habit can’t be completed on a given day and the temptation will be too great, then there are things we can do when that time arises.

For example, if you start a habit of meditating in the morning but cannot finish on that particular day, then try to meditate in the evening.

It is okay for people to take breaks from their habits but it is important for them to monitor how long they take these breaks. If someone takes too many breaks or too long of a break, then this can lead them to give up on the new habit altogether.

A study found that people who pushed their habits forward were more likely to succeed with their new habit than those who did not do so or those who did not have any intention of doing so.


5. Track Your New Habit

A new habit is an opportunity for personal growth.

For this reason, it is important to track your new habits. You can do this by journaling every day, or by using a planner or app that tracks your progress automatically.

The most important thing to keep in mind when tracking your new habits is to be honest with yourself about what you are doing.

Keeping track of your progress will help you stay on top of any setbacks and keep you motivated for the long haul.

6. Use Rewards to Keep Yourself Motivated When Completing Milestones of New Habit

Rewards are a great way to keep yourself motivated when you are working towards your new habits. They also work as a motivator for your friends and family who are trying to change their lifestyles or break difficult routines.

Rewards can be small and inexpensive or they can be big and expensive, but everyone loves rewards!

A reward can come in many different forms. To keep it simple, a reward is anything that makes you happy or feels accomplished at the end of the goal.

Rewards for new habits might include, taking a break with your favorite show or eating something delicious.

Rewards should be something you want in order to keep yourself motivated. If you set up an elaborate reward system and find out after the first week that it really doesn’t motivate you, try another one.

How Habits Get Stuck In Your Brain& Why They’re So Important

Habits are hard to change because they get stuck in your brain.

The more you do them, the more they are ingrained into your brain. The key is making changes gradually over time so that your brain can adjust to the change.

The human brain is built to adapt and learn by adjusting – this is known as neuroplasticity.

Habits are formed when there is a repetitive behavior that occurs with a certain frequency of performance.

That repetition creates a neural pathway from one neuron to another, and it becomes easier with every additional repetition for messages to travel along those pathways and activate those neurons.


How to Break a Bad Habit that is Holding You Back

Breaking a bad habit can be easier than you think. All you need to do is identify the habits that are holding you back, find what triggers them and come up with a plan to stop them.

If you have a problem with procrastination, try scheduling breaks in your day so that you don’t find yourself watching Youtube videos or browsing Facebook for hours.

When it comes to smoking, make sure that cigarettes are not easy to access and if alcohol is your vice, try limiting nights out so that you don’t drink as much.

And if you’re trying to lose weight, keep healthy snacks within your arm’s reach.

Conclusion: Your New Habits Will Change Your Life Forever. Start Today.

It’s never too late to make a change. There are many people, just like you, who have changed their habits and their lives. All it takes is some motivation and doing what you know is good for you.

No matter how hard it can seem at first to take on new habits, they are the key to a better life. A healthier body and mind. A more fulfilled life.

You should start today with one small change in your routine – that could be anything from walking after dinner to trying meditating in the morning – and see how things progress from there!