How to remember everything you read: Learning from Ryan Holiday’s system

Do you find yourself forgetting what you read within minutes, hours, or days?

Do you struggle to recall key facts, insights, and ideas from the books, articles, and blogs you’ve read?

If so, you’re not alone.

In a world of information overload, retaining knowledge and applying it to our lives can be a daunting task.

However, there are people who seem to have mastered the art of memory recall, and Ryan Holiday is one of them.

In this blog post, we’ll explore Ryan’s system for remembering everything he reads and how you can apply it to your own reading practice.

The problem with our memory

Before we dive into Ryan’s system, it’s essential to understand why our memory is so unreliable.

Our ability to remember things varies widely from person to person. Some people have photographic memories, while others struggle to remember what they had for breakfast.

For the average person, our memory is messy, inconsistent, and often unreliable.

We tend to remember events that provide a deviation from our typical sensory experience, such as getting hit in the face with a ball, but not so much the information we read from a self-help book.

Ryan’s reading and note-taking system

Ryan Holiday is an international bestselling author of great books such as “The Obstacle Is the Way” and “Ego Is the Enemy.” He’s also an avid reader who claims to have read over 3,000 books.

However, what’s most impressive is his ability to recall quotes, stories, and insights from the books he’s read over the years effortlessly.

In an interview with Matt D’Avella, Ryan shared his reading and note-taking system that he’s been practicing for years.

Step 1: Active reading and note-taking

As Ryan reads a book, he folds pages, highlights important passages, and makes notes in the margins.

He also makes notes to himself about the passages he’s highlighted. He focuses on the things that he likes and that have impacted him the most.

This way, he doesn’t have to remember everything from the book. He only needs to recall the most important parts.

Step 2: Note card organization

Once he’s finished reading a book, Ryan transfers the passages he’s highlighted and his notes onto note cards.

On each note card, he writes the thought that the passage inspired or the story behind it.

He then organizes these note cards by theme, creating an exterior brain that helps him organize the things he’s learned.

Step 3: Review and retention

Ryan reviews his note cards regularly to ensure that he’s retaining the information.

He spends a few minutes each day reviewing the cards he’s created, allowing him to recall the information he’s learned and apply it to his life.

Applying Ryan’s system to your reading practice

If you’re struggling to remember what you read, applying Ryan’s system to your reading practice could be beneficial.

Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Actively read and take notes: As you read, highlight important passages, make notes in the margins, and jot down your thoughts and ideas.
  2. Create note cards: Once you’ve finished reading, transfer your notes and highlighted passages onto note cards. Write down the thought or story behind each passage to help you recall it later.
  3. Organize your note cards: Organize your note cards by theme, creating an exterior brain that helps you organize the things you’ve learned.
  4. Review regularly: Spend a few minutes each day reviewing your note cards. This way, you’ll retain the information you’ve learned and be able to apply it to your life.

Conclusion: Remembering Everything is Possible

Remembering everything might seem like an impossible task, but with Ryan Holiday’s system, it’s achievable.

By reading with intention, taking notes, creating note cards, categorizing them, and regularly reviewing them, you can improve your memory recall and retain more information from the books and articles you read.


Q: How long does it take to implement Ryan Holiday’s system?

A: Ryan Holiday’s system is easy to implement and doesn’t require a lot of time. You can start using this system immediately and adapt it to your own needs and preferences.

Q: Does Ryan Holiday’s system work for everyone?

A: Yes, Ryan Holiday’s system works for everyone. By actively engaging with the text, taking notes, and organizing your ideas, you’ll be able to recall essential information when you need it.

Q: Can Ryan Holiday’s system be used for other types of information, such as lectures or podcasts?

A: Yes, Ryan Holiday’s system can be used for other types of information, such as lectures or podcasts. The key is to actively engage with the information, take notes, and organize your ideas in a way that makes it easy to recall them when needed.

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