How to Give Your Brain a Break: Tips from Jim Kwik

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the never-ending cycle of work and productivity.

However, constantly pushing yourself without giving your brain a break can lead to fatigue, mental fog, and decreased productivity.

That’s why it’s essential to take regular breaks to recharge and rejuvenate your brain. In this blog post, we’ll explore tips from Jim Kwik, a brain coach, on how to take a brain break.

Why Take a Brain Break?

Before we dive into the tips, let’s talk about why taking a brain break is crucial. The human brain is not designed to function 24/7 without rest.

Studies have shown that after about 25 or 30 minutes of intense mental work, there is a dip in concentration and focus. This is where taking regular interval breaks can come in handy.

Taking breaks can:

  • Allow your brain time to recharge and rejuvenate
  • Create more primacies and recencies, which helps you remember information better
  • Increase productivity and creativity
  • Improve reaction time and thinking speed

Tips for Taking a Brain Break

Now that we understand the importance of taking a brain break, let’s explore some tips from Jim Kwik on how to take one effectively.

1. Breathe

During your break, take a moment to focus on your breathing. Deep breathing can help increase oxygen and nutrient flow to your brain, which can help combat mental fatigue and improve clarity.

2. Hydrate

Drinking water during your break can help improve your reaction time and thinking speed by about 30%. So, make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day.

3. Move

Sitting for extended periods can be detrimental to your health and productivity. That’s why it’s essential to stand up and move around during your break. Going for a short walk or doing some light exercises can help increase blood flow to your brain and stimulate the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors (BDNF), which act as “fertilizer” for your brain.

4. Juggle

Juggling may seem like a silly activity, but it has many benefits for your brain.

Studies have shown that juggling can help increase the amount of white matter in your brain, which is responsible for improving communication between different parts of the brain. Plus, juggling can also help improve your peripheral vision, which is essential for reading and other visual activities.

So, grab some balls or a rolled-up sock and give juggling a try.


In conclusion, taking regular brain breaks is essential for maintaining focus and improving learning and memory.

By taking a few minutes to breathe deeply, hydrate, and move around, we can give our brains the oxygen and nutrients they need to function at their best. Juggling is also a fun and effective way to increase brain power and peripheral vision.

By incorporating these simple practices into our daily routine, we can increase our productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. So, take a break and give your brain the rest it deserves!


Q: How long should I take a brain break for?

A: It’s recommended to take a break every 25-30 minutes for about 5 minutes.

Q: Can I take a brain break while working from home?

A: Yes, taking regular breaks is even more important when working from home, as it’s easy to get caught up in work and forget to take a break.

Q: Do I have to juggle to give my brain a break?

A: No, juggling is just one activity that can help give your brain a break. You can also try other activities like meditation, stretching, or even just taking a walk.

Q: Can taking a break improve my productivity?

A: Yes, taking regular breaks can help improve productivity by reducing mental fatigue and increasing creativity.

Q: How can I remember to take a break?

A: Set a timer or use an app to remind yourself to take regular breaks throughout the day.