Trying Morning Pages for 30 Days: A Powerful Practice for Clearing Your Mind

Do you ever feel like your mind is cluttered with endless thoughts that get in the way of your creativity?

If so, you’re not alone.

Many people struggle with mental noise that distracts them from their creative pursuits.

One popular solution is the daily practice of morning pages.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of morning pages and what it’s like to try them for 30 days.

What are Morning Pages?

Morning pages are a daily practice of writing three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness thoughts first thing in the morning.

The idea is to clear your mind of mental clutter and prepare you for the day ahead.

It’s a simple yet profound practice that helps you tap into your inner voice with greater clarity.

The Benefits of Morning Pages

There are several benefits of practicing morning pages, including:

  • Clearing your mind of mental clutter
  • Helping you prioritize your thoughts and goals
  • Boosting your creativity
  • Improving your mood and overall well-being
  • Providing a sense of discipline and routine

Trying Morning Pages for 30 Days

In the YouTube video, the creator decides to commit to 30 days of morning pages to see if they can change her life.

Here are some of her experiences throughout the process:

Week 1

The first week went by pretty easily, and she felt optimistic about the practice.

Writing out her thoughts in this way felt more productive than a typical journal.

Week 2

By the second week, she found that it was helpful when there was something immediately on her mind that she needed to work through.

However, when there wasn’t, it felt like a chore.

Despite this, she felt it was important to continue the daily habit even when it felt challenging.

Key Considerations for Practicing Morning Pages

While there is no wrong way to do morning pages, there are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Write daily and first thing in the morning
  • Write three full pages in longhand
  • Write stream of consciousness, not a journal
  • Avoid perfectionism and don’t worry about writing anything profound
  • Write whatever comes to mind, even if it’s messy or nonsensical
  • Don’t let anyone else read your morning pages
  • Use a dedicated notebook for morning pages only


Trying morning pages for 30 days is a powerful way to clear your mind and prioritize your thoughts and goals.

It can be challenging at times, but the benefits are worth it.

By committing to the practice, you’ll develop a sense of discipline and routine that can boost your creativity and overall well-being.

Top Relative Resources

  1. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron – a book that popularized the practice of morning pages and provides a comprehensive guide for implementing the practice in your life.
  2. Day One Journal app – a digital journal app that allows you to easily write and organize your morning pages.
  3. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod – a book that suggests morning pages as part of a morning routine for increased productivity and happiness.
  4. The Mindful Life Journal – a journal that combines mindfulness and morning pages for a daily practice of self-reflection and goal setting.
  5. The Daily Stoic Journal – a journal that includes a morning writing prompt for reflection and goal setting.


How long should I practice morning pages?

Morning pages are most effective when practiced daily, ideally first thing in the morning.

While it’s possible to see benefits from practicing for just a few days, committing to at least 30 days can help you establish the habit and experience the full benefits.

What should I do with my morning pages once I’ve written them?

Morning pages are meant to be a stream-of-consciousness practice that helps you clear your mind.

Once you’ve written them, you don’t need to read them again or let anyone else read them.

You can recycle them or shred them if you prefer.

Can I practice morning pages digitally?

While the traditional practice of morning pages involves writing in longhand, it’s possible to practice them digitally if that’s what works best for you.

The most important thing is to commit to the daily practice and prioritize clearing your mind of mental clutter.

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