Habit Stacking: A Summary of S.J. Scott’s Book

Do you want to improve your life but feel like you don’t have enough time?

The solution can be found using the power of habit stacking. Habit stacking is the practice of taking a series of small changes and building a ritual that you follow on a daily basis.

In his book, “Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take 5 Minutes or Less,” S.J. Scott offers a guide to building habits that can change your life.


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The Power of Mini Habits

The goal of a mini habit is to convey consistency. The idea behind a mini habit is that you can get to a larger habit if you start small, create simple goals, and aim for consistency.

Steven Guise’s example of the “one push-up challenge” illustrates the concept perfectly.

Guise started by doing only one push-up every day. This allowed him to check the box that he did his activity. He didn’t stop at one; he did 14 more. He then did one pull-up, and his workout continued like this.

By starting small and aiming for consistency, he was able to build a habit that he could maintain.

Building a Habit Stacking Routine

Creating a habit stacking routine involves developing a set of habits that you perform regularly, in a specific order, and as part of a larger routine.

Here are the eight elements of a habit stacking routine, as identified by Scott:

1. Habits take less than five minutes to complete

The idea is to make each habit simple and quick to complete, which makes it easier to integrate into your daily routine.

2. Complete Habit

Each habit should be a complete habit that stands on its own, rather than a task that is part of a larger project.

3. Habit improves your life

Each habit should be something that has a positive impact on your life.

4. Simple to complete

The habits should be easy to perform and not require a lot of thought or energy.

5. Routine takes less than 30 minutes

The entire routine should be able to be completed in less than 30 minutes.

6. Follows a logical process

The habits should be arranged in a logical order that makes sense and flows smoothly.

7. Follows a checklist

Having a checklist helps reduce cognitive load and simplifies the process.

8. Fits your life

The habits should be tailored to your lifestyle, schedule, and preferences.

Benefits of Habit Stacking

Habit stacking routines allow you to create a set of simple, repeatable habits that you can perform daily. This can help reduce decision fatigue and increase productivity.

By following a checklist, you can ensure that you complete all the necessary tasks in the correct order. Habits that are linked together in a routine can help you get more done in less time, which can lead to positive changes in your life.

Creating a Habit Stacking Routine

To create a habit stacking routine, you need to identify the habits that you want to include and arrange them in a logical order.

Start with one or two habits and gradually add more as you become comfortable with the routine. Use a checklist to keep track of your progress and make adjustments as needed.

Here are some tips for creating a habit stacking routine:

  • Start small: Begin with one or two simple habits that you can perform consistently.
  • Be consistent: Perform the habits at the same time every day.
  • Keep it simple: Make the habits quick and easy to perform.
  • Stick to the routine: Don’t skip a day, even if you feel like you don’t have time.
  • Track your progress: Use a checklist to keep track of your progress and make adjustments as needed.

17 Small Productivity Habits

All of the habits listed below are from Scott’s book, “Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take 5 Minutes or Less.”

While not everyone may agree with all the habits listed, they can be a great starting point for building your habit stacking routine.

  1. Drink a large glass of water.
  2. Schedule your day and prioritize your tasks.
  3. Focus on your three most important tasks.
  4. Turn tasks into manageable steps.
  5. Create accountability by telling others.
  6. Spend time outside.
  7. Take a power nap.
  8. Set up an inspiring workspace.
  9. Do a brain dump.
  10. Create a weekly meal plan.
  11. Practice gratitude.
  12. Spend time with loved ones.
  13. Practice mindfulness.
  14. Read a book.
  15. Stretch or do yoga.
  16. Meditate.
  17. Get enough sleep.

While these habits may seem simple, they can make a big difference in your life. Scott argues that if you add them to a routine, you will see a dramatic improvement in both the quality and quantity of your efforts.

By bringing awareness to how you spend your time and what you’re doing, you can make positive changes in your life.


Habit stacking, as described by S.J. Scott in his book “Habit Stacking: 97 Small Life Changes That Take 5 Minutes Or Less,” is a powerful tool for creating positive change in your life.

By taking small, manageable habits and stacking them together into a routine, you can create a simple and repeatable system for improving your productivity, health, relationships, and more.

The key is to focus on consistency, rather than trying to accomplish everything all at once.

By starting small and building up gradually, you can achieve big results with minimal effort.


Q: What is habit stacking?

A: Habit stacking is the practice of taking small, manageable habits and combining them into a routine that you follow on a daily basis.

By stacking multiple habits together, you can create a simple and repeatable system for achieving your goals and improving your life.

Q: Why is consistency so important in habit stacking?

A: Consistency is key in habit stacking because it’s what allows you to build momentum and create lasting change.

By focusing on small, manageable habits that you can do every day, you create a sense of progress and accomplishment that keeps you motivated and helps you stick to your routine.

Q: How do I get started with habit stacking?

A: To get started with habit stacking, begin by identifying a few small habits that you want to incorporate into your daily routine.

These might include things like drinking a glass of water, doing a few minutes of exercise, or sending a kind message to a loved one. Once you have a few habits in mind, stack them together into a routine that you can follow every day.

Be sure to keep the routine simple and easy to follow, and focus on consistency above all else.

Q: Can habit stacking help me be more productive?

A: Yes! Habit stacking is a great way to increase your productivity by creating a simple and repeatable system for getting things done.

By stacking small, productive habits together into a routine, you can accomplish more in less time and create a sense of momentum and progress that keeps you motivated and focused.