5 Science-Backed Effective Study Techniques to Improve Learning

Are you tired of spending endless hours studying but still not retaining enough information?

Have you tried all kinds of study techniques but nothing seems to work?

If that’s the case, you’re not alone.

The good news is that science has now confirmed which study techniques are most effective, saving you time and effort.

In this article, we’ll explore the five best study techniques for effective learning backed by science.


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The Memory Palace Technique

Have you ever wondered how memory athletes remember hundreds of digits of pi or decks of shuffled cards?

The answer is the Memory Palace technique, also known as the Method of Loci. This ancient Greek technique involves associating information with vivid mental images of specific locations in your house, office, or any place you know well.

Here’s how you can use the Memory Palace technique to enhance your learning:

  • Choose a location you’re familiar with, such as your house or apartment.
  • Visualize the different rooms or areas in that location.
  • Associate each item you want to learn with a specific location, using vivid mental images.
  • When you want to recall the information, mentally walk through the Memory Palace and retrieve the information you associated with each location.

The Protege Effect

The Protege Effect is the phenomenon where teaching others enhances one’s learning.

When you explain a concept or idea to someone else, you need to understand it thoroughly and organize it logically to explain it coherently. That’s why teaching others can help you learn faster and retain information better.

Here’s how you can use the Protege Effect to enhance your learning:

  • Find a study partner and explain the concept you want to learn in your own words.
  • Practice teaching the concept to your study partner until you can explain it fluently and accurately.
  • Switch roles with your study partner and let them teach you the concept in their own words.

The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is a learning strategy developed by physicist Richard Feynman.

This technique involves explaining a concept or idea in simple terms to test your understanding of it.

Here are the four steps to using the Feynman Technique:

  1. Write the name of the concept you want to learn at the top of a blank page.
  2. Write a simple explanation of the concept as if you were teaching it to a five-year-old.
  3. Identify any gaps in your understanding of the concept and go back to your source material to learn more.
  4. Simplify your explanation further, using analogies and examples until you can explain the concept in simple terms.

Spaced Repetition

Spaced Repetition is a learning strategy that involves repeating information at gradually increasing intervals to optimize long-term retention.

Here’s how you can use Spaced Repetition to enhance your learning:

  • Use flashcards or other study aids to review information at gradually increasing intervals.
  • Review information more frequently in the beginning, then decrease the frequency as you become more proficient.
  • Schedule regular reviews of the information to avoid forgetting it.

Practice Testing

Practice Testing is a learning strategy that involves testing yourself on the material you want to learn. Practice testing has been shown to be more effective than simply reading or reviewing material repeatedly.

Here’s how you can use Practice Testing to enhance your learning:

  • Create practice tests or use online resources to test yourself on the material you want to learn.
  • Test yourself frequently and regularly.
  • Review your answers and identify any gaps in your knowledge.


Learning is a complex process, and not all study techniques are created equal. By using these science-backed techniques, you can enhance your learning, improve retention, and achieve better results in less time.


What are the five best techniques for studying effectively?

The five best techniques for studying effectively are using memory palaces, the protege effect, the Fineman technique, avoiding ineffective study strategies, and utilizing practice tests and spaced learning.

How does the memory palace technique work?

The memory palace technique involves mentally walking through a familiar environment, like your house, and placing objects in specific locations.

You then associate the things you want to remember with those objects in order to recall the information more effectively.

What is the protege effect?

The protege effect is the phenomenon that occurs when you teach someone else what you want to learn.

By teaching someone else, you have to work harder to understand the material, recall it more accurately, and apply it more effectively.

What is the Fineman technique?

The Fineman technique is a mental model created by physicist Robert Fineman.

It involves writing the name of a concept on a blank page, writing an explanation of the concept as if you’re teaching a new student, identifying what’s missing, and reviewing everything in simplified language.

What are ineffective study strategies to avoid?

Ineffective study strategies to avoid include reading the material repeatedly, highlighting the material, and using keyword mnemonics.

These strategies are relatively low in effectiveness for long-term learning.

How can practice tests and spaced learning improve performance?

Practice tests and spaced learning can improve performance by providing opportunities to practice recalling information, which strengthens memory and increases retention.

Spacing out learning sessions allows for better retention and comprehension of information.