How to Improve Your Memory: Tips from Memory Athletes

Have you ever forgotten someone’s name moments after being introduced to them?

Have you ever struggled to remember a phone number or address?

Many of us have experienced memory lapses like these, but some people seem to have extraordinary memories that enable them to memorize vast amounts of information.

For example, in 2015, a man from India recited 70,000 digits of pi from memory, breaking the world record.

So, what separates these memory athletes from the rest of us? And can we improve our memory and learn to recall more information?

In this article, we’ll explore the science of memory and provide practical tips on how to improve your memory.

The Different Types of Memory

Before we dive into memory improvement techniques, it’s important to understand that there are different types of memory. Here are the three primary types of memory:

  • Working Memory: This type of memory refers to the data that you can keep and process in the front of your mind spontaneously. It has a limited capacity and can typically only handle around seven items at a time. Examples of working memory include remembering a phone number long enough to dial it, or remembering the rules of a game while playing it.
  • Long-Term Memory: This type of memory refers to the storage of information over a long period of time. Long-term memory can hold a virtually unlimited amount of information and can last for days, weeks, months, or even years.
  • Sensory Memory: This type of memory refers to the brief retention of sensory information, such as what you see or hear. Sensory memory lasts for just a fraction of a second and is important for perceiving and reacting to the world around us.

The Limits of Working Memory

As mentioned earlier, working memory has a limited capacity and can typically only hold around seven items at a time.

This was first proposed in a 1956 psychology paper called “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two”. However, subsequent research has suggested that this may be an oversimplification, as people can chunk information into groups to make it easier to remember.

For example, if you try to remember the following string of numbers: 7384591, you might find it challenging. But if you break it up into three groups like this: 738-459-1, it becomes easier to remember. This is why phone numbers are typically structured in groups of three or four digits.

Training Your Memory

While working memory has a limited capacity, long-term memory can hold vast amounts of information.

Memory athletes are people who have trained their long-term memory to enable them to memorize vast amounts of information, such as decks of shuffled cards or lists of words.

Research has shown that memory training can be effective in improving memory performance.

In one study, researchers scanned the brains of memory athletes and found that their brains were structurally similar to those of non-athletes. This suggests that memory athletes are not necessarily born with exceptional memories, but rather have trained them through specific techniques.

So, how do memory athletes train their memories? One technique that they commonly use is the “memory palace“.

The Memory Palace, also known as the Method of Loci or the Mind Palace, is a mnemonic device that has been used for centuries to improve memory recall. It involves using spatial memory, or the ability to recall information based on its location in a physical space, to remember information.

Here’s how it works:

  • Choose a location: Start by selecting a location that you are very familiar with, such as your home, workplace, or a familiar park.
  • Create an image: Next, associate an image with the information you want to remember. The image should be vivid, unusual, and memorable.
  • Place the image in a specific location: Imagine placing the image in a specific location within your chosen location. For example, if you’re memorizing a shopping list, you might associate a carton of milk with your front door.
  • Move on to the next image: Repeat this process for each item on your list, placing each image in a different location in your memory palace.
  • Walk through your memory palace: When you want to recall the information, mentally walk through your memory palace and recall the image associated with each item on your list.

By associating information with a specific location in your memory palace, you are creating a mental map that makes it easier to recall the information later.

The key is to create vivid, unusual images that are easy to remember and to associate each image with a specific location in your memory palace.

The Memory Palace technique has been used for centuries and has been proven to be effective for improving memory recall. It is a great tool for students who need to memorize large amounts of information, as well as anyone who wants to improve their memory skills.


Memory is an essential component of our daily lives, and memory athletes have shown that it is possible to train our memories to memorize vast amounts of information.

By understanding the different types of memory and their limitations, we can use memory techniques like the Memory Palace to improve our recall and increase our cognitive abilities.

While memory training may not make us all memory athletes, it can certainly enhance our ability to retain information and improve our daily lives.

Top resources for improving memory:

  1. Lumosity – an app that offers cognitive training games to improve memory and other cognitive skills.
  2. Memory Palace Technique Course – online courses that teach the Memory Palace technique for improving memory recall.
  3. Mind Mapping – a digital tool for creating visual diagrams that help with memorization and information recall.
  4. BrainHQ – an app that offers personalized brain training exercises to improve memory and other cognitive skills.


What are the different types of memory?

The three primary types of memory are working memory, long-term memory, and sensory memory.

What is working memory?

Working memory refers to the data that you can keep and process in the front of your mind spontaneously.

What is long-term memory?

Long-term memory refers to the storage of information over a long period of time. It can hold a virtually unlimited amount of information and can last for days, weeks, months, or even years.

What is the Memory Palace?

The Memory Palace, also known as the Method of Loci or the Mind Palace, is a mnemonic device that involves using spatial memory to remember information. It has been used for centuries and has been proven to be effective for improving memory recall.

Can memory training improve memory performance?

Yes, research has shown that memory training can be effective in improving memory performance. Memory athletes have trained their long-term memory to enable them to memorize vast amounts of information through specific techniques like the Memory Palace.

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