How to Study Smarter, Not Harder: Tips from a Top University Graduate

Many students believe that achieving high grades requires studying for countless hours, sacrificing their social life and well-being.

However, this is far from the truth.

Working smart is equally important as working hard when it comes to studying.

In this blog post, we will go over the exact steps taken by a top university graduate to study smarter, not harder, and get high grades with relatively less stress.

Spread out your studying

The vast majority of students start their semester with relatively few hours of studying.

As the semester progresses, and their exams draw nearer, they start increasing their studying hours. And one or two weeks before the exam, the studying hours suddenly shoot up as the pressure from the exams motivates them to start cramming in preparation.

Instead of following this pattern, start by setting a goal of the number of hours you will study each day at the beginning of the semester. This goal should be one that you can maintain throughout the semester.

Focus on intense studying for this set number of hours each day.

Eliminate Pseudo Studying

As you spread out your studying throughout the semester, you may fall into the trap of pseudo studying.

Pseudo studying is where you study just to feel productive without taking in any information.

It is essential to avoid pseudo studying and study with the exams in mind.

Get ahead of the game

At the beginning of the semester, you should do background reading of new material, go through past papers to get an idea of what you will learn in lectures, and watch documentaries and YouTube videos on the subject.

This will help you build a broad foundational understanding of the subject before anyone else. You will be ahead of most students since there is no pressure of deadlines or exams.

Treat university like a full-time job

Set a specific number of hours to study each day, treating university like a full-time job.

For instance, studying eight hours a day works well for many students. Stick to this number of hours throughout the semester, and you will be surprised at how much easier and less stressful university becomes.


Studying smarter, not harder, is essential to achieve high grades without sacrificing your well-being and social life.

It is all about working smart and efficiently, and these tips will help you get ahead of the game, eliminate pseudo studying, spread out your studying, and treat university like a full-time job.

By following these tips, you can achieve high grades and still have time for yourself.


Q: What is the importance of studying smarter, not harder?

A: Studying smarter, not harder, is important because it helps you achieve high grades without sacrificing your well-being and social life. It allows you to work smart and efficiently.

Q: How can I spread out my studying throughout the semester?

A: You can spread out your studying throughout the semester by setting a goal of the number of hours you will study each day at the beginning of the semester.

This goal should be one that you can maintain throughout the semester.

Q: What is pseudo studying, and how can I avoid it?

A: Pseudo studying is where you study just to feel productive without taking in any information.

You can avoid pseudo studying by studying with the exams in mind and focusing on intense studying for a set number of hours each day.

Q: How can I get ahead of the game in university?

A: To get ahead of the game in university, you can do background reading of new material, go through past papers to get an idea of what you will learn in lectures, and watch documentaries and YouTube videos on the subject.

This will help you build a broad foundational understanding of the subject before anyone else.

Q: How can I treat university like a full-time job?

A: You can treat university like a full-time job by setting a specific number of hours to study each day, treating university like a full-time job.

For instance, studying eight hours a day works well for many students. Stick to this number of hours throughout the semester, and you will be surprised at how much easier and less stressful university becomes.

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