How to Stop Translating in Your Head and Start Thinking in English Like a Native Speaker

Have you ever found yourself struggling to come up with a response in English during a conversation, even though you are fluent in the language?

Do you find yourself translating everything into your native language in your head before responding in English?

If yes, then you’re not alone.

Many non-native English speakers face this problem, and it can hinder their ability to communicate effectively in English.

However, there are ways to overcome this challenge and start thinking in English like a native speaker. Here are nine tips to help you on your journey:

Start small: Rather than trying to understand and respond to everything in English, start with small daily activities in English. For example, talk to your pet in English or set your phone’s language to English. These small habits will help you gradually build your English proficiency.

Listen to more English: Exposure to the language is crucial for developing the ability to think in English. Listen to English podcasts, internet radio, or watch videos in English, even if it’s just in the background while doing other tasks.

Predict what native speakers will say: When you predict what people will say based on your experience, you’ll be more prepared to respond appropriately. This technique can also help you anticipate what questions you might be asked and prepare your responses in advance.

Virtual language partner to ask you question in [target language] about [topic].

Virtual language partner to ask you question in [target language] about [topic].

Number of Answers

Speak English regularly: Regular practice is key to developing your English speaking skills. Make an effort to speak English every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes. You can do this by joining conversation groups or finding language exchange partners.

Think in English: When you are going about your daily routine, try to think in English. For instance, when you’re getting dressed in the morning, think about the clothing items in English. This will help you build your vocabulary and develop the ability to think in English naturally.

Stop translating: One of the biggest obstacles to thinking in English is translating everything into your native language. Train yourself to think in English by avoiding the temptation to translate everything in your head.

Learn idiomatic expressions: Idiomatic expressions are phrases that have a different meaning from the literal interpretation of the words. Learn common English idioms to help you understand and use them in everyday conversations.

Use English regularly: The more you use English, the more natural it will become for you to think in the language. Try to use English in different situations, such as ordering food, shopping, or asking for directions.

Surround yourself with English: Immerse yourself in the language by watching English movies, TV shows, or reading English books. This will help you become more comfortable with the language and improve your ability to think in English.


Thinking in English is a skill that can be developed with practice and patience.

By incorporating these nine tips into your daily routine, you can train your brain to think in English naturally.

Remember to start small, listen to more English, speak English regularly, stop translating, and surround yourself with English to accelerate your progress.

With dedication and perseverance, you’ll be thinking in English like a native speaker in no time!


Q: Is it possible to think in English like a native speaker?

A: Yes, it is possible to think in English like a native speaker with practice and perseverance.

Q: How can I train myself to think in English?

A: You can train yourself to think in English by starting small, listening to more English, speaking English regularly, stopping translation, and surrounding yourself with English.

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