How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills by Yourself: A Step-by-Step Guide

Improving your English speaking skills is one of the most challenging tasks that learners face, especially if they don’t have a language partner or a tutor.

However, with the right approach, you can improve your speaking skills by yourself.

In this blog post, we will introduce a technique that allows you to practice speaking English alone and improve various aspects of your spoken English, including your grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and your ability to express your thoughts and ideas effectively.

What is the Technique?

The technique we are talking about is called easy-to-hard imitation.

It is based on the concept of progressive training, which means you start with something easy and gradually increase the difficulty level.

Easy-to-hard imitation involves listening to a conversation, a story, or some kind of speech, and then trying to deliver that speech in your own words.

Demonstrate the usage of [Word/Phrase] in [Target Language] by constructing a sentence.

Demonstrate the usage of [Word/Phrase] in [Target Language] by constructing a sentence.

Number of Answers

How Does it Work?

Easy-to-hard imitation involves several steps that help you progress from simple to complex sentences and ideas. Here is how you can apply the technique:

  1. Start by imitating small portions of speech: Begin with small phrases and short sentences, and then gradually increase the length and complexity of the speech you’re trying to imitate.
  2. Move on to imitating larger portions of speech: Once you feel comfortable imitating small portions of speech, move on to imitating larger portions, such as long sentences or even groups of sentences.
  3. Deliver the entire speech: After you have practiced imitating small and large portions of speech, try to deliver the entire speech on your own. You can use the same topic or story you’ve been practicing or choose a new one.

Benefits of Easy-to-Hard Imitation

Easy-to-hard imitation offers many benefits that can help you improve your spoken English. Here are some of the advantages of this technique:

  1. It helps you learn to form sentences properly: When you listen and imitate correct English, you learn how to form sentences properly.
  2. You learn idioms, expressions, and other speaking patterns used in day-to-day conversations: Listening to and imitating different types of speech will expose you to various idioms, expressions, and speaking patterns used in day-to-day conversations.
  3. You learn grammar through implicit learning: When you imitate other people, you learn grammar through implicit learning. This process happens without your awareness, which is how babies and children learn the grammar rules of their first language.


Improving your English speaking skills can be a challenging task, but with the right technique, it’s possible to practice and improve by yourself.

Easy-to-hard imitation is a great way to improve various aspects of your spoken English, including your grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and your ability to express your thoughts and ideas effectively.

Start with small phrases and sentences and gradually increase the difficulty level. With consistent practice, you’ll see significant improvement in your speaking skills.


Q: Can I improve my speaking skills just by listening to English alone?

A: No, listening alone will not improve your speaking skills. You need to practice speaking in order to improve.

Q: Do I need a speaking partner to improve my speaking skills?

A: No, you can improve your speaking skills by yourself using the easy-to-hard imitation technique.

Q: How long does it take to see improvement in my speaking skills?

A: The time it takes to see improvement in your speaking skills depends on how much time and effort you put into practicing. The more you practice, the faster you will see results.

Q: Can I use easy-to-hard imitation for other languages?

A: Yes, you can use this technique for other languages as well.

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