How to Reprogram Your Mind According to Dr. Joe Dispenza

Do you believe that the way you think has an effect on your life?

Dr. Joe Dispenza, a neuroscientist, chiropractor, and author, believes that it does. In the YouTube video entitled “How to Reprogram Your Mind,” he discusses the ways in which our brains are wired to reflect everything we know in our lives.

In this post, we’ll explore the concepts that Dr. Dispenza discusses and provide actionable takeaways for how you can begin to reprogram your mind for a better future.

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The Brain as a Record of Your Environment

According to Dr. Dispenza, the brain is a record of your environment, a record of your past.

If you believe this to be true, then the question becomes, does your environment control your thinking, or does your thinking control your environment?

If you find yourself performing the same routine every day, thinking the same thoughts, and experiencing the same emotions, then it’s likely that your environment is controlling your thinking.

Neuroscience tells us that nerve cells that fire together wire together. If you keep repeating the same states of mind and body over and over again, your brain begins to wire in the same patterns and combinations.

Over time, your brain moves into a very finite signature, which is your personality.

To change your mind, then, is to make the brain work in new sequences and patterns.

The one ingredient that allows us to do that is knowledge or information. Every time you learn something new, you make a new connection in your brain.

Learning is forging new connections, and remembering is maintaining or sustaining those connections.

Changing Your Personality to Create a New Personal Reality

Your personality creates your personal reality.

If you want to create a new personal reality, you have to change the thoughts that you’re thinking, the behaviors and habits that you’re demonstrating, and the emotions that you’ve memorized that have become part of your identity.

Most people try to create a new personal reality as the same personality, and it never works. You have to become somebody else.

In history, great people like William Wallace, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Queen Elizabeth the First, and Joan of Arc all had a vision, an idea that they lived as if it was actually happening now.

They believed in a future that they couldn’t see or experience with their senses yet, but they had thought about enough times in their minds that their brains had changed to look like the event had already happened.

To change, truly change, is to think greater than your environment.

If you keep thinking the same thoughts, performing the same actions, and living by the same experiences that produce the same emotions, you’ll keep creating more of the same life.

Actionable Takeaways for Reprogramming Your Mind

If you’re looking to reprogram your mind and improve your life, here are some actionable takeaways that you can implement today:

Learn Something New Every Day

Learning something new every day can create new connections in your brain, which can help reprogram your mind.

It doesn’t have to be something major, but it should challenge you in some way. You could:

  • Read a new book or article on a topic you’re interested in
  • Watch a TED talk or informative video
  • Take an online course or attend a seminar

Create a Vision for Your Life

Visualizing a future that you desire can help reprogram your mind to achieve it.

The more you visualize this future, the more your brain changes to make it a reality.

Here’s how you can create a vision for your life:

  • Set goals that align with your vision
  • Create a vision board with images that represent your goals and desires
  • Meditate on your vision daily

Change Your Habits and Routines

Changing your habits and routines can help you break free from negative thought patterns and reprogram your mind for success.

Here are some things you could do:

  • Take a different route to work or try a new hobby
  • Wake up earlier or go to bed later to create more time in your day
  • Eliminate bad habits, like smoking or overeating, and replace them with healthier habits

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, which can help you reprogram your mind.

Here are some ways to practice mindfulness:

  • Focus on your breath and the present moment
  • Be aware of your thoughts and emotions without judgment
  • Take a break from technology and spend time in nature


Meditation is a powerful tool for reprogramming the mind. It can help you to quiet your mind and focus on positive thoughts and emotions.

Here are some tips to get started:

  • Find a quiet place to meditate
  • Start with just a few minutes a day and gradually increase your time
  • Use guided meditations or apps to help you get started

By implementing these actionable takeaways, you can start reprogramming your mind for success and achieve your goals.


Dr. Joe Dispenza’s YouTube video highlights the importance of how our thoughts and actions affect our reality.

Our brain is like a record of our past, and we often repeat the same patterns and habits, leading to the same results.

However, to create a new reality, we must change the way we think, act, and feel.

By using the power of our mind and reprogramming our brain through new knowledge and information, we can change our personality and create a new personal reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can we really change our reality by changing our thoughts?

A: Yes, according to neuroscience, our thoughts and actions shape our brain’s patterns and connections, which affect our perception of reality.

By changing our thoughts and actions, we can rewire our brain and create a new personal reality.

Q: How can we start reprogramming our mind?

A: One way is by learning new information and knowledge that challenges our current beliefs and habits. This can help forge new connections in our brain and create new patterns of thinking and behavior.

Q: How long does it take to reprogram our mind?

A: The time it takes to reprogram our mind varies for each person and depends on factors such as the level of commitment, consistency, and effort put into the process.

However, with consistent effort and repetition, it is possible to see changes in as little as a few weeks or months.

Q: Can anyone reprogram their mind?

A: Yes, anyone can reprogram their mind regardless of age, background, or current habits. It requires a willingness to learn, practice, and commit to the process.