How to Absorb Textbooks Like a Sponge

Are you struggling to retain information from textbooks?

Do you find yourself spending hours reading, only to forget most of what you read soon after?

In this post, we will share a simple and effective approach to help you absorb textbooks like a sponge.

The Traditional Approach

Many students read textbooks the same way they read a novel – from beginning to end.

This approach, however, is not the most effective way to retain information.

It’s essential to remember that textbooks are written to help you learn and remember the material, not just read it.

A Better Approach

Here’s the approach we recommend:

Step 1: Preview the Chapter

Flip through each page of the chapter to get an overview of the material.

Look at the pictures, graphs, and headings to understand the structure of the chapter.

This will help you gauge how much material you need to cover and what to expect in the chapter.

Step 2: Review the End of the Chapter

Before diving into the chapter, go to the end and check if there are any questions or quizzes related to the material covered in the chapter.

This will give you an idea of the most critical information that the author wants you to remember.

Step 3: Read Bold Print

Read the bold print, which includes headings, subheadings, and topic sentences.

This text is written to highlight the most critical information in the chapter.

Step 4: Read First and Last Sentences of Each Paragraph

Read the first and last sentences of each paragraph to get a general idea of the material covered in each section.

This helps to create a framework in your mind for how the information is organized.

Step 5: Read the Chapter and Take Notes

After completing the first four steps, read the chapter and take notes.

You now have a clear understanding of the essential information and how the material is organized.

As you read, try to connect the information with the framework you’ve created in your mind.


Absorbing information from textbooks is a critical skill for academic success.

By following the approach outlined in this post, you can retain information better and reduce the amount of time spent studying.

Remember, textbooks are written to help you learn and remember the material, not just read it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the traditional approach to reading textbooks ineffective?

The traditional approach is ineffective because it focuses on reading the material from beginning to end without understanding the structure or organization of the chapter.

This approach does not highlight the most important information or help create a framework in your mind.

How does the recommended approach help retain information better?

The recommended approach helps retain information better by providing an overview of the material, highlighting critical information, and creating a framework in your mind.

This approach allows you to connect the dots between different sections of the chapter and understand how the information fits together.

How long does it take to go through a chapter using this approach?

This approach takes longer than just reading the chapter from beginning to end.

However, it is more effective and will save you time in the long run.

Going through a chapter using this approach should take about 30-60 minutes, depending on the length of the chapter and your reading speed.

Should I take notes while reading the chapter?

Yes, taking notes while reading the chapter is an essential part of this approach.

Taking notes will help you retain the information better and create a summary of the material that you can refer to later.


Absorbing information from textbooks is a critical skill for academic success.

By following the approach outlined in this post, you can retain information better and reduce the amount of time spent studying.

Remember, textbooks are written to help you learn and remember the material, not just read it.