How to Study for 12 Hours a Day for Over a Year

In a YouTube video, a student explains how he studied for 12 hours a day for over a year.

In this blog post, we will discuss the strategies he used to achieve this feat. We will focus on his mindset, motivation, discipline, and drive.


The first step to studying for long hours is to adopt the growth mindset.

This mindset is all about taking on challenges, pushing yourself, and breaking yourself down so that you can come back stronger. It’s about resilience and not waning in the face of aversion.

The growth mindset is a paradigm shift from the fixed mindset, which assumes that there is a limit to what you can achieve.

To adopt the growth mindset, you need to understand it in its entirety. Watch the TED talk that explains the growth mindset, and try to apply it to your studies.

Remember that you are not born with all the talent you need; you have to work hard to acquire it.


The key to studying for long hours is not motivation but drive.

Motivation is volatile and bound to change. If you rely on motivation, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

The student who studied for 12 hours a day did not rely on motivation but on drive. Drive is different from motivation in that it continues, even when you’re faced with challenges.

To find your drive, you need to identify your goals and aspirations. What do you want to achieve in life? What are your priorities? What do you want to be remembered for?

Once you have identified your goals, use them to fuel your drive. Remember that your drive is what gets you from point A to point B without stopping, regardless of the challenges you face.


To study for long hours, you need to be disciplined.

Discipline means doing what you need to do, even when you don’t feel like it. It means setting a schedule and sticking to it, even when you’d rather be doing something else. It also means taking care of yourself, getting enough sleep, and eating well.

To be disciplined, you need to set realistic goals and break them down into manageable tasks.

You also need to eliminate distractions, such as social media and other time-wasters.

Finally, you need to reward yourself for your accomplishments. Celebrate your successes, and don’t be too hard on yourself when you fall short.


In conclusion, studying for 12 hours a day for over a year requires a combination of motivation, discipline, drive, and a growth mindset.

The journey to developing these traits is not easy and requires a significant paradigm shift in one’s thinking. By adopting a growth mindset, one can break through their self-imposed limitations and take on challenges with resilience.

However, relying on motivation alone is not enough to sustain the drive needed to achieve long-term goals. Developing a burning desire to succeed and a strong drive is the key to pushing through obstacles and achieving success.

It is important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and what worked for the individual in the video may not work for everyone. Nevertheless, adopting a growth mindset and cultivating drive and discipline are critical components of success.


Q: Is it possible to study for 12 hours a day?

A: Yes, it is possible, but it’s not easy. To study for 12 hours a day, you need to adopt the growth mindset, find your drive, and be disciplined.

Q: Do I need to study for 12 hours a day to succeed?

A: No, you don’t. The amount of time you need to study depends on your goals, your abilities, and the difficulty of the material.

Some students can succeed with only a few hours of study per day, while others need more time.

Q: What if I don’t have the motivation to study?

A: Don’t rely on motivation. Instead, find your drive. Identify your goals and aspirations, and use them to fuel your drive.

Remember that your drive is what gets you from point A to point B without stopping, regardless of the challenges you face.

Q: How can I be more disciplined?

A: Set realistic goals, break them down into manageable tasks, and stick to a schedule.

Eliminate distractions, such as social media and other time-wasters.

Finally, reward yourself for your accomplishments. Celebrate your successes, and don’t be too hard on yourself when you fall short.