How to Learn Anything According to Elon Musk

Elon Musk is known for his innovative and ambitious ideas, ranging from electric cars to space travel.

He is a self-taught entrepreneur and engineer who has mastered many skills without a formal education. In a YouTube interview with Joe Rogan, Musk shares his views on education and learning.

In this blog post, we will explore Musk’s approach to learning and provide actionable takeaways for anyone looking to learn a new skill or subject.

Discard Irrelevant Information

Musk believes that our brains are designed to discard information that is deemed irrelevant.

Therefore, it is important to focus on learning only what is necessary for your goals.

Don’t waste your time trying to memorize irrelevant details or concepts that have no practical use.

Learn by Doing

Musk is a big believer in learning by doing.

He advocates for a problem-solving approach to learning, where you learn by tackling real-world problems rather than memorizing theoretical concepts.

This hands-on approach helps you understand the relevance of tools and concepts as you apply them to real-world situations.


Musk is an advocate of self-teaching.

He believes that anyone can learn anything they want with the right mindset and approach. He suggests reading a lot of books and talking to a lot of people who have expertise in the subject matter.

However, Musk notes that it is important to have a great team to support your learning process.

Teach to the Problem, Not the Tools

When teaching a new subject or skill, Musk believes in teaching problem-solving rather than teaching specific tools or concepts.

Instead of starting with the tools or concepts, start by presenting a real-world problem that requires a solution.

Then, show learners how to use tools and concepts to solve the problem.

Learn for Free

Musk believes that everything is available for free online.

There are many online resources such as books, videos, and courses that are accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Therefore, there is no excuse for not learning what you want to learn.

Make Learning Fun and Engaging

Musk suggests that education should be as close to a video game as possible.

A good video game is interactive and engaging, and people are naturally drawn to it.

Similarly, if you can make education interactive and engaging, it will be far more compelling and easier to learn.

Analyze from First Principles

Musk is a big believer in analyzing problems from first principles rather than relying on convention or analogy.

First principles thinking involves breaking down a problem into fundamental principles and then building up a solution from scratch.

This approach helps you gain a deeper understanding of the problem and come up with more creative and innovative solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need a formal education to learn a new skill?

No, formal education is not a prerequisite for learning. With the right mindset and approach, anyone can learn anything they want.

2. How do I know what to learn?

Focus on learning what is necessary for your goals. Don’t waste your time trying to memorize irrelevant details or concepts that have no practical use.

3. Can I learn for free?

Yes, there are many online resources such as books, videos, and courses that are accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Therefore, there is no excuse for not learning what you want to learn.

4. How do I make learning fun and engaging?

Make education as interactive and engaging as possible.

A good video game is interactive and engaging, and people are naturally drawn to it. Similarly, if you can make education interactive and engaging, it will be far more compelling and easier to learn.